
In 1886, Niagra Falls froze over. I love the silhouettes of the people. Just the hat on the woman tells it all. You know today, they'd be maligned for taking their kid out on the ice where he could slip, fall, and go right over the.... on second thought let's not think about that.

May as well post a back log of pieces I made long ago. In some ways, I've progressed nicely since then, in others, not as much as I'd like. Such is life.
Steampunk Goggles, which I fully plan to make again.
Monoggle, on my tiny old purple clay head. She was named Amelia, and has since been lost.

The head of a dragon I'm working on. There's something a little derp derp to his face, but I can't quite put my finger on it, yet. Plus, next time, better lighting and no bright, shine causing flash.
Oh, he's entirely made of leather. Did I mention that?

I'm sad to announce that the last manufacturer of Celluloid Collars has apparently gone out of business.
Really... I'm actually sad about that. There's few small items that invoke the Victorian period like celluloid collars, or the Old West, for that matter. Those of us who care will be forced now to use paper collars. And really, no comparison.