I've heard when they opened the Hall of Presidents at Disneyland, several deceased former leaders ended up flailing about and hitting the techs. Quite frankly, I think I'd prefer that to the current version.
I love old creepy, but cool videos. This is sort of a classic, but still... Creepy pigs who get naked and make creepy sex faces. Even Jim Henson wouldn't have touched this.
Based on the youtube responses, this chapter of my childhood was universally feared by everyone but me. It's Sesame Street doing a version of "How It's Made" with the addition of circus music and automatons. The knowing glances of the dolls at the end are the best.
Nothing depresses me as much as Bugsby Berkeley.
Hear me out. I adore his pieces. First of all, that's bad enough. I know I'm supposed to look at them as objectifying women, and as a girl raised in post feminist society by a strong mother, blah blah. I just can't get past the pretty, and the opulence though.
That's not even the bad part though. Skip to about 3 minutes in this video.
Visually interesting, huge amount of variety, and done so that you actually forget you're watching dancers.
BUT... I can't help but think of the fact that every woman there would be tossed out in modern filmmaking as being "too fat". Hell, probably they'd be "plus size" models. Actually, a modern filmmaker would probably just CGI the whole thing.
Oh, and keep in mind these were all from the height of the Great Depression. Folks may have been eating their shoes, but Hollywood was doing well enough for half a dozen costume changes for EACH of those girls AND a giant wedding cake-girl-lazy susan with multiple fountains.
While the choreography just isn't there on this one, it does show another thing that just gets me down.
Imagine someone singing like that in America's Idol. The ideal voice just has no personality anymore. This also was one of the most beautiful people in Hollywood at the time. She'd be photoshopped to being unrecognisable on a modern cover. (Not that it didn't exist in old Hollywood, look at Rita Heyworth, but expectations were still better than they are now.)
The best part about that last clip is that it is designed to showcase costuming. Including giant pelvic coins, which must have been the rage in the 30s.
Of course, all this went away for years and years after the code. Just not the same.
I'm working on a mask that ended up looking like something I had on my harddrive, namely this: A performance art piece showing the triumph of science over superstition.
No matter the era, this sort of thing is the same, ultimately. That said, I'd never attend anything like this in the modern era, and this only interests me thanks to the old, creepy and vaguely inept way it was handled. Does that make me a bad person? Does the fact that I desperately want a "CALCULUS" dress make me worse? (Maybe one with XYZ painted on it too, for good measure)
Was just introduced to the greatest show ever. "What The Victorians Did For Us" God bless the BBC. Any show that goes from showing an ornate blue porcelain toilet to the Crystal Palace is a winner.
For instance, jump to 3:30 on this video to see the velocipede shower.
If you're not sold, check out the beginning of each episode.
Fantastic. I'm taking to watching a few sections a day.